Leader: Anne Wilson

Meeting Place: Sports Pavilion

Day: Second Thursday of the month

Time: 2.00pm

What we do

We are a friendly and informal group who enjoy looking at Art and placing it in an historical context.

The members of the group choose a topic for study - this may be on a general theme e.g. portraits, celebrations etc or a specific subject e.g. a particular artist, artistic movement, art from a particular time period or country etc.

Members of the group, if they wish, can choose artworks relating to the topic and, again if they wish, do some research about the artwork and the artist.

The artworks are collated and all members of the group get to see them in advance of the meeting.

This makes for a lively and interesting discussion at the meeting when we examine the artworks chosen.

New members are always welcome to come along and contribute as much or as little as they feel comfortable with.

If you would like to know more or join the group, please contact Anne Wilson, using the form below.

Art History

Contact Form